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Year 4 - 2024-2025

W/E: 31/01/2025

Evan and Brieaa: For their fantastic partner work in orienteering. In our PE lessons, year four have been following a series of orienteering courses, needing to communicate with their partner to orientate their map and navigate the course. Both Brieaa and Evan worked hard as a team, discussing the map, communicating the directions and helping each other to navigate the course. This has led to them being very successful in our PE lessons, getting the answers quickly but more importantly correct. Keep up the good work.

W/E: 24/01/2025

Hugo: I am so proud of Hugo this week. We all know that Hugo is a quieter member of our class and doesn’t always like to put himself forward to do something in front of his peers. This week however, during our music lesson, Hugo composed his own piece of music and then volunteered to play it in front of his peers. We were so proud to see his enthusiasm shine through and that he was brave enough to step out of his comfort zone, particularly when it was the first time year 4 have been challenged to write their own piece of music. Keep up the good work Hugo.

W/E: 17/01/2025

Heidi: For her fantastic myth writing in English. The children have been studying the book 'Arthur and the Golden Rope', based on Norse mythology in their English lesson. They were tasked with retelling the myth. Heidi fully engaged in the story and gave insightful insights about the character. She listened carefully in the build up to writing, ensuring that she was including all of the requested grammar in her myth and added her own flair for writing too. I cannot wait to read her independent piece next week when year 4 will be tasked with creating their own myth based on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.

W/E: 10/01/2025

Emilia: We are really proud of the hard work Emilia has put into her learning this week. In maths, she has tackled methods of multiplication with a can-do attitude. She listened carefully when being shown the method and tried really hard to replicate this for every question. She asked questions to support her understanding and used the resources around the classroom to support her further.

Natalia: has made a fantastic start to her learning journey at St Anne’s. She has settled in beautifully to life in year 4, and has made a great start to her learning. She is enthusiastic to learn and has impressed all staff in year 4 with her willingness to get involved in lessons, regularly putting her hand up to share her ideas. A great start to the new year!

W/E: 13/01/2025

Thomas: In Year 4 this week, the children have been hard at work writing their narrative based on 'The Great Kapok Tree'.  Thomas impressed me at every stage of his writing. He listened carefully to the skill development before making sure that he applied this to his writing. During the editing process throughout the week, Thomas worked hard to sculpt and craft his writing, adding in new sentences and rewording his work to make his sentences have more of an impact. His final piece was well-thought-out, including all the things a year 4 writer needs to. Well done Thomas.

W/E: 06/12/2024

Lily: has impressed all of the adults in Class 4 this week with her hard work and mature attitude to learning. In her maths group with Mrs Storrs, Lily works hard every week to develop her mathematical fluency. She is sensible when using the equipment to support her learning and really gets involved with the tasks. Lily is always willing to give questions a go and it is great to see her confidence growing in her own abilities. She is a real pleasure to have in the group.  

W/E: 29/11/2024

George: has really impressed in PE this half-term. Our unit in Class 4 is tag rugby and this is the first time many of the children have experienced this. It took a while for us to get used to passing the ball in a backwards direction as many sports pass the ball forwards - but this didn’t challenge George at all. He quickly picked up the passing technique and proudly demonstrated this to the rest of the class. He then developed this further by passing the ball at speed and in game situations. A definite rugby star of the future.

W/E: 22/11/2024

Reggie: The Class 4 team has been so impressed with the effort, thought and care that Reggie put into his diary writing from the perspective of Ray, a World War 1 soldier. His writing was mature, included all of the genre features of a diary and the way in which he had included the thoughts and feelings of the character brought goosebumps to both members of staff. He listened carefully during the input to ensure that he had included expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and fronted adverbials. A really impressive piece of writing, keep up this hard work Reggie.

W/E: 15/11/2024

Rosanna: has grown in leaps and bounds with her confidence over the last few weeks and we are so proud of her. She has been putting her hand up in all lessons to offer an answer and share her ideas. She has been getting involved in our learning and has been pushing herself to try the more difficult tasks. During a maths group with Mrs Storrs, Rosanna has been enthusiastic to learn, and has really impressed Mrs Storrs. Keep up the good work Rosanna, we are really proud.

W/E: 08/11/2024

Oscar: has quite literally been ‘on fire’ this week with his learning and has made a fantastic start to the Autumn 2 term. He has been enthusiastic in his learning, been putting his hand up to contribute to every lesson and during a group times table session with Mrs Storrs, really impressed with his eagerness to learn. In English, when writing in the perfect present tense, Oscar quickly realised that he needed to include the words 'has' or 'have' in every sentence and this has led to him writing some fantastic sentences about our book. Keep up the good work Oscar.  

W/E: 18/10/2024

Elsa: for her fantastic non-chronological report on the digestive system. Elsa not only listened carefully in our English lesson to ensure that she was effectively including the taught grammatical features, but also ensured she had fully incorporated her scientific knowledge. Not only has Elsa impressed with her writing, but in every area of her learning. She listens carefully in every lesson and shows every day that she wants to learn. She carefully considers the questions asked, before giving well-thought answers showing the care that she puts into her work. She has also shown us what an amazing swimmer she is and is now swimming from the deep end without any aids. Keep up the good work Elsa, we are very proud.

W/E: 11/10/2024

Alessia: has adapted so quickly to life at St Anne’s. She has shown herself to be smiley, helpful and a good friend to all. She has worked incredibly hard since starting in Class 4 and is producing fantastic pieces of work. She takes pride in her learning and always wants to do her best.  What we are most proud of however, is the confidence she has gained during our swimming lessons. Initially, she was nervous to get into the pool and preferred walking in the water instead of swimming. She is now swimming the full length of the pool with only a pool noodle to help her. She is a great addition to Class 4. Keep up the good work.

W/E: 04/10/2024

Ewan: For his grown up and sensible attitude to Class 4. We have all been really impressed with the way in which Ewan has settled and matured in Class 4. On Tuesday, Ewan was the first to volunteer to fill in for an absence in the harvest festival, despite not knowing the part, and spoke loudly and confidently to his audience. During geography, Ewan supported his peers that had been at a music lesson, to understand the learning they had missed and to help them to complete their work. We are really proud of the way he has conducted himself and it is fantastic to see. What a role model to everyone in Class 4.

W/E: 20/09/2024

Harri: This week in Class 4 we have been writing a newspaper report based on our class book ‘There's a Rang-tan in my bedroom’. The children were tasked with ensuring that their newspaper had all the features required and some of the Class 4 expectations, such as fronted adverbials and punctuated speech. Harri rose to this occasion, and I was so impressed with her first piece of Class 4 writing. She ensured that she had included everything asked of her and carefully considered the sentences she had written before going back to improve them in the editing lesson. I can't wait to see more pieces of her writing.

W/E: 13/09/2024

Troy: has made a fabulous start to Class 4. He has been putting his hand up in every lesson to share his answers and couldn’t wait to get started on his Class 4 learning.  He is a bubble of positivity and comes into class every day with a smile on his face. Troy has been enthusiastic to share his reading with the adults in class and has been working really hard to score 100% on his accelerated reader quizzes. I am so proud of the start he has made to this school year.