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Health and Well Being Information

Welcome to your Health and Well-being page

Looking after our mental health is just as important as learning our times tables.

We all learn more successfully if we feel good.

Be kind to yourself and others


Sue Brown is in school on Tuesdays and is a fully qualified Child and Young Person's Therapist having trained with Place2Be and the University of London. Sue also works with the NHS.

Sue uses a mixture of talking and play therapy to help children work through difficulties they may be facing and improve mental health. She works one -to-one and in small groups with children throughout the whole school and children are referred to the counselling service through the staff and SENDCO in school.

Mental Health in our Libraries

Your library is more than a place to find a great book. They offer lots of other resources and services. Pop in to see what's on offer and how you can use their fantastic services!

Use this link to find out what your local library can offer to support Mental Health

  • Children's Mental HealthAn NHS support site with lots of information on how you can support your child's mental health

Connect with nature.

Spending time outdoors is really good for our mental health and we are so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country. Why not get outside and enjoy the fresh air?

If you are worrying about something, try using the Worry Waterfall to work through it on your own or with an adult for support and the chance to talk it through. 

Always remember you are loved


E motional

L iteracy

S upport

A ssistant

Who is the ELSA?

Mrs Pearson is the ELSA lead at St Anne's school.

What is an ELSA?

ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. They are a specialist teaching assistant with a wealth of experience of working with children.

ELSAs are trained and regularly supervised by the Educational Psychologists.

ELSAs help children recognise, understand and manage their emotions in order to enable them to engage with learning.

Some individuals require more in depth support to help them understand and manage their feelings.

ELSAs plan and deliver bespoke individual (and small group) support programmes.

How does ELSA work?

Children are usually recommended for ELSA support by their class teacher or SENCo.

Class teachers or a familiar adult will then provide a pre-assessment with information to assist the ELSA in preparing their sessions.

A child's (group) session takes place weekly, usually for a duration of 6-8 weeks and are tailored to meet the needs of the child/children.

Children complete their own questionnaire prior to their first session and then a follow up questionnaire at their last session. This will enable us to assess their progress.

Feedback is given to parents/carers on the completion of their ELSA work.

What can ELSAs help with?

ELSAs can provide emotional support in a range of areas, including:

  •  Self -esteem
  •  Social skills
  • Emotions
  • Friendship issues
  • Anger management
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement

Please see the attached leaflet for more information on ELSA.

If you require any further help or advise please contact Mrs Pearson.

Useful Websites


Relax kids:

Mentally Healthy Schools:




Wellbeing Wednesday

Our KS2 children have the opportunity to use our Wellbeing Wednesday Drop-in sessions, where there are adults available for them to discuss any worries or concerns in a quiet, friendly and supportive space.

We can use the time to get creative with our mindfulness colouring, getting comfy on the sofas and reading quietly or just taking time to relax and close our eyes for a few minutes.

We  aim to encourage the children to become aware of their own mental health, so the adults make sure to move around and speak to everyone while they are there, in order to initiate discussion around mental health awareness.