Year 1 - 2024-2025
W/E: 31/01/25
James: we may have a future scientist or astronaut in Class 1. This star is fascinated by our Space topic and is very inquisitive. Every history lesson, he is prepared with questions, wanting to know more about the first astronauts in Space, and interested in facts such as which is the hottest planet or how hot the sun is. He is retaining information whether about the first men on the moon, or the first animals in space, and he is just keen to learn so much more every week. We love his inquisitive nature, and it makes lessons more exciting as we find out new facts together.
Alfie: This star has grown in confidence in recent weeks. His attitude towards learning has developed so much. He is becoming more independent, and his perseverance really shines through. He is prepared to take on a challenge, and he really puts in the effort when it comes to his work. He is more sure of himself, especially when it comes to writing and choosing the appropriate sounds for spellings. He is more resilient too, he knows it is OK to make mistakes, and that he can improve with more practice. We are really proud of the learner he is becoming! Well done Alfie!
W/E: 24/01/25
Alex: This star has been impressing in so many ways this week. He is becoming an incredible independent learner, and we are seeing so much progress from him every week. This week, he has been developing his knowledge of place value up to the number 20. He has been using inequality symbols to show the value of numbers, and he has been estimating on a number line, using his knowledge of numbers 1 to 10. On top of this, he was an excellent writer this week, as he wrote the ending to the story 'Whatever Next'. He thought about ways in which he could develop the story by adding adjectives, and he remembered capital letters and full stops throughout.
W/E: 17/01/25
Hansel: This star has shown some great motivation this week. He has been ready to showcase what he can do in class. He is great at organising himself for lessons, making sure he has his pencil ready, and preparing number lines or alphabet lines to develop formation. He has been beaming with pride this week when he completes a task, often surprised by how well he has done, and saying 'I can't believe I've done it'. He should be so proud of himself as he continues to develop and impress everyday. Well done Hansel!
W/E: 10/01/24
Jack: This person has stood out for their kind nature towards others. There have been so many little things that we have noticed from this star this week, that have all built up to show just how kind and generous he is. At the start of the week, he chose a remarkable reader prize for all his wonderful reading at home, but instead of just thinking about himself, he chose a prize that he could enjoy with his brother. In gymnastics, he was supporting his partner, showing them how to do dish-arch rolls, and guiding them as they practised. He is often making sure people have what they need ready for their work, and he is a kind friend a playtime. All of his kindness never goes unnoticed, he really is such a caring and loving boy.
Betsy: has come back raring to go, she has a hard-working attitude and is keen to do well. She is loving our new Talk for Writing unit, and has impressed with how quickly she has picked up the actions to our story 'Whatever Next', and her oral story telling is very impressive too. She has shown her independence this week as Class 1 has started moving to a more formal learning approach, and she isn't phased by the tasks and challenges she faces. In Maths, she is becoming more used to the manipulatives, and can use them to help her solve questions of varying difficulty. On top of it all, everything she does is done with a smile on her face.
W/E: 13/12/24
All of Class 1 - for their wonderful performance in our nativity 'The Fleece Force'. They were brave to stand in front of so many adults and remember their songs, actions and where to go on stage. They worked hard to learn all seven songs and remember the actions that went with each song. We are so proud of every single one of them! Well done!
W/E: 06/12/24
Star: For her excellent work on subtraction this week. Class 1 have been working on answering subtraction stories by following the steps of First, Then, Now. They have been using the method of drawing pictures and crossing out the amount they are taking away. Star has been super at this, she has been able to represent her numbers with pictures and counters, and is able to find the right answer by removing counters or crossing out pictures. Well done for being a fantastic mathematician!
Noah: has stood out for so many reasons this week. He has been impressing in phonics, understanding alternative phonemes, and how graphemes can be spelt the same but make different sounds, he is becoming a fluent reader, and can't wait to learn with the monsters in phonics. In maths, he has been like a human calculator, solving subtractions mentally, and representing numbers with counters and pictures. On top of all of this, he is a wonderful singer, and remembers all his actions for his nativity songs.
W/E: 28/11/24
A shout out to Class Reception and Class 1 for their great behaviour and attitude on our Nativity Trail at Perlethorpe.
Teddy: has been a superstar in his PE sessions. During his first PE lesson, he was modelling to the whole class how to bounce and catch a ball, and how to safely throw a ball underarm to your partner. He was loving the games we were playing and couldn't stop smiling. In gymnastics, he was working on his upper arm strength as he pulled himself up a bench, and slid back down. He was practising safe landing shapes, and developing his skipping skills.
He also impressed Miss Howarth in Phonics this week, as he went on a sound hunt around school, identifying different sounds he could hear, and making different sounds himself. He couldn't believe the array of sounds all across school.
Kaydence: has been incredible at her phonics this week. She has been identifying phonemes that make more than one sound, and choosing the correct one when reading. She has also shown a good understanding of suffixes, and how they change the meaning of a root word. She is ready to try reading words with new sounds in every day, and loves Thursday alien words! On top of her wonderful phonics, she made a wonderful donkey on our Nativity trail!
W/E: 28/11/24
Charlotte: This week, Class 1 has received a visit from the local fire brigade. This star was attentive, and keen to learn as much as she could. She asked questions about the Great Fire of London, and answered many questions about fire safety. She was very excited to have a turn on the fire engine, and spray the hose across the grass, almost catching Miss DeCouto! It was lovely to see her inquisitive nature, developing her knowledge and understanding.
Amilia: I think this week, we saw the moment it just clicked for this star. Her mental maths skills have stood out this week, when using number bonds and solving word problems. She is able to compose a number sentence and use her arithmetic skills to find the answer. She is also able to use manipulatives in class to answer trickier questions. Her hand is up on the carpet for almost every question in class.
W/E: 15/11/24
Anaika: This week, nothing can stop her - everything she does is fantastic. She has been impressing every adult that has been in Year 1 this week, with her determination, hard work and perseverance. In Maths, Anaika was quick to pick up on her number bonds within ten, and could create fact families using her number bonds. She noticed how swapping the numbers, still created the same answer. In Phonics, she is becoming more fluent with her reading and noticing digraphs and trigraphs within words. In History, she is retaining facts about the Great Fire of London. She has just been all round fantastic. She should be so proud of herself this week.
Florence: You can certainly tell that Florence is a regular at Acorn theatre because she has blown us away with her story telling in English this week. Last week, Class 1 spent some time learning and performing a poem by James Carter called 'Firework Poem', they came up with their own actions, and this star was so quick to pick up on the actions and perform the poem brilliantly. Then, this week, we have started to learn our first Talk for Writing story of the year, 'The Queen's Hat' by Steve Antony, and again, this star picked up the actions quickly, and performs the story so well, she uses a loud voice, clear actions, and is aware of her audience. She has just been brilliant all around!
W/E: 08/11/24
George S: for his wonderful understanding in Maths. This week, we have introduced the part whole model, a new concept for Year 1. George quickly noticed how to split whole numbers into two parts, and how we could join parts to make a whole. He was able to draw pictures to represent his parts and wholes, and then moved on to using numbers as representations. We were very impressed with how quickly he picked this up.
W/E: 18/10/24
Owen: this star impressed Miss DeCouto and Miss Howarth this week with his fantastic writing. He spent time writing an Autumn list poem. He took his time, thinking carefully about the formation of his letters and the way he presented his poem. The best part of watching Owen complete this task was his confidence growing more and more with each part that he wrote, and he was so proud of himself. He was skipping around the classroom saying 'Miss DeCouto, you must tell my parents how good my writing is'. We don't think his smile could have been any bigger.
Eva Ann: for her great progress in Phonics. Eva Ann is becoming more confident in her reading, and is sharing her skills more within class. In phonics, she is noticing where phonemes are most commonly used, such as at the beginning, middle or end of a word. She is using the monsters in phonics to help her with her reading, and we are seeing some fantastic progress from her.
W/E: 11/10/24
Oscar: for his understanding of greater than, less than and equal to in Maths. This week, Year 1 has been learning how to use the inequality symbols to recognise the difference between numbers, and whether they are larger, smaller or the same. Oscar picked this up really quickly, and effortlessly managed to spot the differences between numbers. He was able to use the inequality symbols in the right way, and could talk about the numbers using appropriate vocabulary.
Milo: in PE, Year 1 have been practising their underarm throwing. They had to get their bodies positioned correctly, and throw their ball to their partner using an underarm throw. Lilly was fantastic at this - her partner managed to catch the ball each time due to Lilly's great aim, and the power behind her throw. She was also able to use her underarm throw to throw different equipment at targets, such as balls or quoits in a hoop.
W/E: 04/10/24
Jack: this week we have started looking at poems, and we are working towards writing our own Autumn list poems. We spent some time looking at a variety of poems about Autumn, looking for the adjectives used to describe different items in Autumn. Jack was a whizz at this, he was able to spot all the adjectives in the poem, and think of his own to describe different things - autumnal items, such as leaves and weather.
Archie: in RE, we have been talking about Harvest and why we celebrate this. Archie was able to offer an exciting insight into this, sharing with the class all about why the farmers harvest at this time of year, and how they are now beginning to plough the fields. He used his real life experiences to talk about the machinery that is used, and what happens to the food harvested each year.
W/E: 20/09/24
Rowan: we have watched Rowan grow in confidence. When she first started in Year 1, she would seek support and reassurance, but this week she has really blossomed. It is lovely to watch her settle into a task and use her own ideas and strategies to work her way through it. She will independently find manipulatives and resources such as number lines and sound mats to help her, and is starting to offer more ideas on the carpet. We are loving Rowan's positive attitude towards her learning.
Alex G: has stood out for his ideas in Science this week. We have been testing the properties of materials, and sorting materials based on their properties. Alex was able to sort the materials appropriately, and he used his super science vocabulary to describe the materials. He was able to spot when materials were placed in the wrong sorting hoop too.
W/E: 13/09/24
Ramos: is a shining example of the St Anne's values and rules. His manners are exceptional, he is helpful, kind and considerate. You can always rely on him to be doing the right thing, and if you need someone to help you with anything, he is the first to volunteer. He shows his friends respect, and will encourage many people to join in with his games. He should be very proud of the way he conducts himself at school, as he has been a superstar this week.
Beatrix: has stood out for her hard-working nature. Whenever it is time to complete a task, she is keen to take part and often says how much she loves doing the jobs in class. She isn't afraid to ask for support where she needs it, and she accepts any challenges. She also stands out for her manners and respect, which she showcases constantly in school. She has been a fantastic role model this week.